Steam Rings on Mount Etna: A Rare and Fascinating Phenomenon
On Mount Etna, rings of vapor rise into the sky, creating a magical atmosphere. Resembling doughnuts of clouds, these formations result from the expulsion of volcanic gases and ash. The exact causes remain a mystery, adding to its allure. Mount Etna stands as a giant of nature, offering unforgettable experiences. Discover and cherish this invaluable volcano.
Mount Etna eruptions February 2021
Summary of all Mount Etna eruptions that took place on February 2021. Eruptions distinguished by violent explosions of Strombolian type. Strombolian eruptions involve moderate bursts of expanding gases that eject clots of incandescent lava in cyclical or nearly continuous small eruptions.
Mount Etna eruption december 2020
New Strombolian eruption on Mount Etna that occurred during the night of 13 December 2020. A new eruption from the South East crater began on the volcano. The lava flow during the night was visible from a great distance, amid particularly strong volcanic rumbles and tremors. Following are the latest details collected by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Etneo Observat...